The Heart is Deceitful
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9) Meditation Have you ever wanted something so badly, you convinced yourself it was okay to do anything you had to do to get it? I could tell myself very convincing lies to justify whatever I had to do to get something I wanted. When I wanted something so badly, I would steal to get it, I’d tell myself the ones I was stealing from were rich and wouldn’t miss what I was taking. I would lie to myself and say I would do some good deed later to balance out what I had done wrong. Though, I seldom ever even tried to balance those scales. I usually had some ready-made excuses for why I couldn’t do anything to bring equilibrium to the good vs bad things I would do. Since I didn’t believe there wasn’t any real consequence for my actions if I didn’t get caught, I didn’t see any reason to try to make up for my dishonesty. My failures at morality and integrity in dealing with people on a ...