And It Was So

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
(Genesis 1:24-25)


“And it was so.” Those are four very small words with a huge impact. It doesn’t say, “And it was so – over millions of years.” No, it happened right then, everything from amoebas to dinosaurs…on Day 6 of the creation week. That same day God created Adam and a short while later, but still the 6th day, he created Eve. He created us in his image, making us the crowning glory of his creation.
When God created Adam, he gave him dominion over the Garden and everything in it. In other words, we were put here on earth to protect and wisely manage God’s handiwork. We’re not the owners of the planet, we’re the hired helpers. We’re not here to exploit every resource and ruin the beautiful world we were given to protect. We’re not here to strip the land of every tree and leave behind a barren wasteland. We’re not here to kill every wild animal until they are extinct. Pruning, harvesting and culling are part of a prudent management system, but we are very poor managers.
When God created Adam and Eve, their bodies were perfectly formed. They had no defect and were intended to live and procreate forever in the Garden, a perfect world. God uses the phrase, “And God saw that it was good,” to describe his creation. The word, ‘good,’ doesn’t seem very exclamatory but that’s just what it was. Creation was good because there were no imperfections. The defects came as part of the curse brought on by Adam and Eve’s sin.
Right after their sin, God gave us the first subtle assurance of redemption. God’s plan from the beginning was to send Jesus into the world to offer us a way to be redeemed back to the Father. I tell you this so you can believe that before the foundations of the earth were laid God’s plan was to give you hope! He has a plan for your life, to make you happy and to prosper you. Please take him up on his offer.

Daily Prayer

Father God, you are the truth we seek. You created everything in the universe in six literal days. Before we came to know the truth of your special creation, we were led to believe there were apes in our family tree. We were told that everything exists because of trillions upon trillions of accidents, with no one or anything guiding the process. Now that we believe the truth, it’s hard for us to imagine anyone having enough faith to honestly believe the secular myth they hold so dear. You put together an intricately complex micro and macro universe with the thought of your mind and the breath of your mouth. So complex, secular science has been unable to replicate even the simplest organism. How awesome are you, Father God? How much higher are you than we are? Thank you for the love you’ve shown us all our lives, even before we made Jesus the Lord of our lives. We love you, Lord, and want everyone we know to love you too. In the name of Jesus. Amen!


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