He Knits Us Together
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's
womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your
works; my soul knows it very well.
(Psalm 139:13-14)
A baby in the
womb is not just a clump of cells. That baby is being put together while in the
womb by the fingers of God. I have welcomed four of my own children and seven
grandchildren into this world. I would say my grandson, the most recent, is the
most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen, but I say that about every baby. God has
given him to his parents to love and protect from the moment of conception
until he becomes a self-sufficient adult.
The word fetus
means, little one or baby. Today, many use the word fetus, so they don’t have
to say the word baby, and admit there is a living child in the womb. The only
way a pregnancy can end is either by a miscarriage, the birth of a baby, or by
killing the baby in an abortion. The people who say they don’t have an opinion
about abortion don’t want to think about the fact that abortions kill a living
baby. They wish to rest in the belief that a baby isn’t alive until they take
their first breath of air. They lie to themselves saying, the babies cannot
feel pain before they leave the womb.
Now we’re even having
to try to come up with laws to protect babies that survive a botched abortion.
I can’t even imagine how heartless a person has to be to leave a newborn on a
table, alone in a room, to die. It seems that we’ve lost whatever little humanity
we had. We look back at primitive cultures that made human sacrifices with
scorn and derision. However, we’re no better than the Canaanites who sacrificed
live babies to the fires of their god, Molech. The only difference between them
and us is, we sacrifice our babies on the altar of “Choice.”
My question is, is it wise to kill the very labor of
God’s fingers with the violence of an abortion? Shouldn’t we, instead, be
protecting the infant in the womb? Shouldn’t we, instead, be looking for ways
to help a mother with an unplanned pregnancy? Shouldn’t we, instead, be making
the adoption of unwanted babies easier and less expensive? We are fearfully and
wonderfully made by the will of an awesome God. No one should interfere with
that without some trepidation of that fearsome God.
Daily Prayer
Lord God, is there a way for us to say thank you in a way that doesn’t sound trite or unfeeling? Can we praise you enough to show an adequate amount of gratitude for saving us from the darkness of our sins? Even though you created the whole universe and everything in it, you take the time knit us together in our mother’s womb. The complexity of the life on earth is mind boggling. We are the product of the master designer and we are still learning new things about ourselves all the time. Lord, these days are filled with lost people who think nothing of taking the life of the very ones you are knitting together in the womb. We ask your protection for those innocent lives. We also pray for those lost people carrying out these atrocious acts. How do we wrap our minds around that, Lord? We thank you for the intimacy you show us at every turn. We know you are real because you are such a personal God. You seek us, like a shepherd going after a lost sheep. When we’re found, you rejoice. Is there another god who does that? Of course not, because you are the one and only true God of heaven and earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!
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