Choose Eternal Life

For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
(Matthew 16:25)

Prophesy tells us we’re heading for times of terrible trouble, possibly in the very near future. The time is coming when Christians all over the world will be required to choose between living or dying for their faith, even in the United States. Some will think that denying Jesus will save them, and it will for a very short time, but their decision will condemn them for eternity. If I’m ever forced to make that decision, I pray I will choose Jesus.

Here in the US, the persecution has already started. Even when a radical Muslim kills innocent people in a Western nation, somehow Christians are at fault and vilified. It will get worse and worse as we get closer to the Lord’s return. Right now, in some parts of the world believers are already sacrificing their mortal lives just for not denying Christ. Even though they die a horrible death, they actually save their immortal souls. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be made to choose between my faith or be killed.

When I was in my 20s, I didn’t even think about mortality. Dying was the furthest things from my thoughts. My beloved grandfather died when I was 20, but he was 64 years old. An old man, or so I thought then. I’m the same age as him right now and I think a lot about mortality and eternity. It would be easy to denounce my Christ and follow the rest of the world through the gates of hell. However, I choose, every day, to follow Jesus and keep my focus on him and his will for my life.

This earthly life is like a vapor, we’re here today and gone tomorrow, but our souls are eternal. If we live a long full life, we may be on this earth for about 80 or 90 years, but eternity lasts forever. We’re going to spend eternity somewhere and hell is not the place we want to spend it. I hope whoever reads this has chosen to spend eternity in the splendor of heaven with Jesus. I pray that if we’re required to choose to keep living in this world or die with Christ, we all make the right choice. Maranatha!

Lord God in heaven, have mercy on us. We are frail and weak in spirit. When our physical comfort is challenged, we have the tendency to buckle under the pressure. Be with us in our every day lives, when we’re faced with ridicule for our trust in Jesus Christ, that we don’t shrink away from a steadfast grasp on our faith. Father, we never want to lose our place in eternity. Give us the strength to withstand the vital challenge given if we’re ordered to choose between you and our physical safety. Remind us to be in daily prayer to bolster our spiritual strength and to build our relationship with you. It is only with a strong and meaningful bond to the Lord Jesus Christ will we have and hope of making the right choice. Be with us, Lord, when we’re faced with making this choice. Put your words in our mouths, that will give proud testimony of your love and grace. Use those words to give strength and encouragement to others facing the same test of their faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!


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