Testing God

How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness and grieved him in the desert. They tested God again and again and provoked the Holy One of Israel.
(Psalm 78:40-41)


The Israelites created the golden calf just days after God parted the Red Sea for them so they could escape Pharaoh. They whined and carried on about having to eat manna every day and not having any meat. They constantly told Moses they would rather be slaves in Egypt than die in the desert. They were completely ungrateful for all God was doing for them at the time. I have a tendency to look back on those people with scorn.  How could they experience all those miracles from God and continue to complain? They had recently witnessed the plagues against Pharaoh and the Egyptians, then complain to Moses about how badly God is treating them? Were they the greatest ingrates ever? I don’t think so.
I know I haven't bowed down and worshiped some handmade idol, but I have reacted to challenges in much the same way as the Israelites. I haven’t literally built a golden calf, but I have set up false idols in my weaker moments. I confess, my usual idol is me, myself, and I. No, I don’t think I’m a god, but I try, again and again, to keep control of my life without talking to God. I have a tendency to plod through a problem, without much success, until I finally realize I should have talked to the Father in the beginning. I’m a normal red-blooded male. I want to think I can solve all my problems. I don’t like asking for help. He may not physically solve my problem, but God gives me clarity of thought to solve it myself.
I’m not saying it’s a sin to make a decision, but it is a sin for me to think I don’t need to ask God when the path I finally take is so important. Whenever I do that, I’m essentially trying to be my own god and setting myself above my Father in heaven. Even though God doesn’t use these kinds of miracles on us anymore, this passage is for all of us today because we all do things to provoke God all the time. We do so much to provoke our Creator, but He still loves us. He only wants us to repent and rely on Him. He provided us the way to do that through the cleansing blood of his only Son, Jesus Christ. If you haven’t yet, give your life to Christ today. You won’t be problem free, but he’ll help you get through them.

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father, your will be done, and your plans for creation reign supreme. There is no one who can stand against you. As hard as we try to rule our own lives, we know we should submit lives to you. It usually boils down to a matter of trust. If we really trust you, Lord, we will be willing to give ourselves fully to you and the purpose you have given for our lives. Don’t let us be like Jonah, running in the opposite direction when we know what you want us to do. Don’t let us sit in our church pew, thinking we’re great believers, but do nothing else for the work of your kingdom. We want to live in your will for our lives, but we’ll often use the excuse that we don’t have the time or the knowledge to accomplish your tasks. Please, don’t let us use those excuses. We can to all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Help us to listen to the prodding of the Holy Spirit to share the gospel with everyone we meet. There is power in the name of Jesus. In name precious name. Amen!


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