We Are Free

So, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
(John 8:31-32)


I used to think I was pretty smart. I thought I knew the truth about why I am here, about existence in general. I believed there was no such thing as absolute right and wrong. I thought I was free to do whatever I wanted, so long as I didn’t physically hurt someone, without consequence. I didn’t need a supernatural God because of my beliefs about evolution and the Big Bang. I would read and re-read my sci-fi novels and magazines. They had become like a hopeful prophecy about a distant future I wanted to be a part of. Movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek only fed my belief that man’s technology would someday overcome all the problems that plague us. We just had to evolve past the warlike brutes we are today. Science was telling us that great technological achievements were just around the corner. It was my religion and I was a fervent believer.
Then Jesus found me, and I began to think differently. I realized I’m not all that smart after all. I finally understood the truth about why I exist and how I got here. The most essential truth of all though was about my own freedom. I wasn’t free at all. I was shackled to my sinful lifestyle just as securely as if I were on a chain gang. Nevertheless, being a new believer, I tried to live with one foot in my old world and one foot in the Church. That was not repentance. To abide means to live in, like living in a house. It surrounds me and protects me. If I’m living in his Word, I have to live the way it says to live. It’s the only way to break the shackles of sin.
If you’re traveling to a destination you’ve never been to before, would you start the journey without GPS or a map? Of course not. If you’re like me, you carefully plan your route before you even set out. If heaven is your desired destination, should you only take directions from mortal men who are as fallible as you are? Of course not. There is only one road map to heaven, the Word of God. If you never read the scriptures, you will never find your way. Just as you would get lost if you didn’t study the map or obey the directions for your GPS. It is only when you put your total faith in him that you can be called real disciples of Jesus. It’s only then will you be truly free.

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father you are our master and protector from the plans of the devil. On the day we are reborn into Christ, we begin a journey of faith. The world we live in will test us to see if our faith is strong enough. Even when it’s not, and we slip and fall into sin, you are quick to forgive us when we ask. Help us to always take refuge in Jesus, where we will find peace from the war that rages out in the world. Even though it’s a spiritual war, we need to be immersed in the truth of his love and grace. Thank you, Lord, for always giving us the truth, and because of that truth, we are set free. Please, give us the heart to let the unimportant things go and to forgive all the rest. If we keep our faith in and focus on Jesus, then the truth of our hopes for eternity will come in due time. Give us the patience to faithfully wait for that day. In the meantime, Father, give us a zeal to fulfill our commission to share the gospel and make new disciples. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!


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