Don't Listen to Deceiving Spirits

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,
(1 Timothy 4:1-2)


We see this happening all around us. There are many who willingly fall away from their faith to follow some sweet-sounding teaching that uses a scripture passage out of context. For instance, the “Health and Wealth” doctrine or the “Name it and Claim it” doctrine both take passages out of context as the basis for their teaching. Those doctrines rely on a spirit of greed that invades our hearts when we hear that God wants to give us everything we’ve ever wanted. Of course, God wants us to prosper, but he’s more interested in an inner prosperity than what’s in our bank accounts. He wants us to be rich in love, sharing it with everyone we know. He wants us to confidently ask him to supply our needs. However, God is not a cosmic concierge or bellhop. He’s not there to provide for our wants and earthly desires.
If we are being taught something that does not come straight out of the Bible we shouldn’t believe it. Additionally, an entire doctrine should never be built around a single passage of scripture. There should be a context from the surrounding verses or multiple passages in other parts of the Bible to support a doctrinal belief. We must listen carefully to what we are being taught. We are responsible for checking the teaching against scripture and hold false teachers accountable. Just as the Bereans did in the first century, we must compare a teaching with the Word of God. If we blindly follow a false teaching because we don’t know what scripture says on the matter, or the teacher is very charismatic or likable, we are risking our place in eternity.
There are also lying spirits all around us, pushing us to compromise our beliefs, so we become more like the rest of society. People, who are only searching for truth, are fed lies interspersed with just enough truth to make it palatable. They believe the lie that there are many paths to God or heaven. Everyone, according to these liars, is on a journey to an eventual paradise in the afterlife. They knowingly teach everyone worships the same god. That is a total lie. These people are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They have no remorse for their lies because Satan has burned their consciences out of their hearts. Don’t blindly follow a sweet talking, eloquent, good looking preacher, no matter how attractive his words. Check those words against the scriptures.

Prayer Time

Heavenly Father, you make all things new with your mercy and grace. You are the hope we hold on to. We cling to your promise that our lives, with all its pain and suffering, are not over when we take our last breath here on earth. Some of us, however, are listening to the deceiver and his lies. They forget the love you have shown them and are returning to their sinful ways. Others are falling prey to the antichrists present in our world today. Father, you are the only one who has the truth. The liars and false prophets among us couldn’t care less they are leading people astray. Satan has burned any remnant of a human conscience they might have had. Protect us from these fallen teachers and guard those we rightfully trust. We thank you and praise you as we, not so, patiently wait for that glorious day when Jesus will call us up to live with him forever, no matter where he is. It’s in his wonderful, glorious, and most precious name, we pray. Amen!


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