Are You Ready
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
last trumpet. For the trumpet, will sound, and the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we shall be changed.
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)
For me, this is one of the most exciting passages in
the Bible! It is quite possible we are the generation that will see the
fulfillment of this prophecy, because of the signs of the times. Just imagine, everyone
who has turned their lives over to Christ today might never experience death.
We’re not told when this will happen. We’re only told it comes at the sounding
of the last trumpet. Yes, there is a last trumpet at the end of the Tribulation
period but there are others as well. There is a last trumpet at the end of the
Feast of Trumpets for instance. We are not told which last trumpet will usher
in the “catching away” of the Bride of Christ. We are told not to try to
predict the date. Many false prophets and teachers in the past have foolishly
tried to set a date, only to be humiliated.
Whether this “catching away” occurs at the beginning
of the Tribulation period, in the middle, or at the end doesn’t really matter.
What really matters is that we are ready, at any moment, to be taken up to meet
the Lord in the clouds. We can’t wait, thinking we have time to get our lives
straightened around before that day comes. When that day comes, we must be
ready. The consequences for being found still in our sins are dire. No matter
when that day comes, the end of the world we know will be at hand. There will
be billions of people who will pay the ultimate price for not accepting the
offer of salvation offered by the Lord. Very soon the Father will command Jesus
to go get his Bride, which is the Church.
One thing is for sure, there will be no time to get
right with God if you aren’t already. Everything will happen in the “twinkling
of an eye.” On that day, Jesus will not stop and wait for you to get on your
knees and ask him to save you. It’s said that the twinkling of an eye takes far
less than a second. So, you must be ready for Jesus’ call at any moment. Those
who have perished in Christ will be called up first with a brand-new immortal
body. We, ourselves, will not be called
up to meet the Lord in the air with the bodies we occupy now. We will all be
changed, we will all be made imperishable! No longer will we experience the
aches, pains and diseases of this life. Instead, we will live forever in the
glorious splendor of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Amen!
Prayer Time
Father God, how your ways are so much higher than our ways. We are in awe of the plan you set in motion on that day in the Garden when you cursed the serpent. Lord we pray for this day to come as quickly as possible. We know your timing is always best, and so we wait for your will to be done. While we wait for this great day, help us to share the good news of Jesus to every unsaved person we have contact with. Don’t let us think we can stand around, looking up, waiting for Jesus to return for his Bride. There is much work to do, and many to be saved before this day. However, if we don’t show the love of Christ and tell the unsaved how much he loves them, they will never be saved. We have to preach the gospel every day. We have to be your hands and feet until our last breath on this world. Give us a heart like Jesus for the lost and in need of salvation. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!
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