Be Assured of Salvation
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.
(Hebrews 11:1)
my young adult life, before I was saved, I didn’t think there was anything to
have hope in. I thought everyone lived for whatever they could get before they
died. Some would have to be satisfied with very little, others would be able to
accumulate more and more. Life to me was nothing more than a contest of
materialism. I believed that whether I succeeded or not was left totally up to
luck, and mine was always bad. I hoped I would win the lottery. I played
football pools. I spent money on every kind of raffle you can think of, but I
never won anything.
of the definitions of assurance is freedom from doubt. That’s what faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ is; freedom from doubt. He gives me hope for my final and
eternal destination. It’s not as trivial as hoping I’ll win the lottery. It’s
not as inconsequential as wishing I could afford that big house up on the hill,
with no real expectation I will. It’s more like all the uncertainty is gone
about what’s really important, even though I cannot see the future. I know what
will happen to me after I die. I don’t have to fear death anymore because I
have faith in what comes after this life will be much better.
people in our society strongly believe there is no God, and therefore, no
eternal consequences for bad behavior. That’s what they hope, at least. They
hope there is no one to judge them, or no hell; no place of eternal punishment.
They have no hope for anything better than whatever this world has to offer, so
they fall into despair and depravity. If God wasn’t real, what a pitiful
existence this would be. I am born, live for 70 or 80 years, thinking only
about fulfilling my own selfish desires and then, pass into nothingness.
Jesus offers the freedom from that selfish wickedness
if I will only reach out to him. The lyrics to an old hymn are; “Blessed
assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of future divine! Heir of
salvation, purchased of God, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.” I cannot
see God, but he is more real and certain than anything in the universe. My only
hope rests in him. Your only hope rests in him too, but you have to open the
door to your heart and let him in. You too, can then have the freedom of doubt
about eternity.
Heavenly Father, you are always with us, even when we think you are not. Our doubts are the whispers of Satan. He wants to take away our confidence and replace it with hopelessness. Lord deafen our ears to his murmurs and let us hear only your words of promise. We know, without doubt, there nothing to be anxious about. We have the blessed hope of an eternity with you, Lord God. We no longer struggle with this life and what it has to offer us. This world will only supply us with things that will rust or decay. Our hope rests in the promised reward awaiting us in heaven. It’s absolutely not a fatalistic wish for life after death, as our secular friends will claim. Don’t let us fall prey to those who would drag us back into a life of desperation. Even though we cannot see you, Lord, or what awaits us in heaven, we know, deep in our hearts, that it’s as true and real and the ground we are standing on. Thank you, dear Lord, for the assurance and peace of mind you set in our hearts. Help us to listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our daily walk. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!
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