Worship and Bow Down

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
(Psalm 95:6-7)

I began my walk with Jesus thinking that worship was reserved for church in an organized service led by a music or worship minister. I have since come to understand that worship is really a matter and condition of the heart. In other words, I was placing restrictions on when or how I worshipped when that’s not how it’s supposed to be. I can be driving down the road and praising the Lord for any number of blessings I have received. I can be at work or at home, I don’t have to be sitting in a church pew.
The Lord has done so much for me, he deserves my praise and adulation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Even though it would be physically impossible for me to do that, does not take anything away from the fact that he deserves it. Maybe when I’m griping about having to get up for church on an occasional Sunday, I should try to remember that. He is the maker of all things. He made the universe, the planet I’m standing on and the DNA that makes me who I am. Why would I not want to give him his due every single day?
He should be our first thought as we wake up and our last thought before we sleep. He is our God and there is no other. He takes care of us just as a shepherd safeguards his flock. He only wants to give us peace in our hearts and a hope for eternity. He loves us even when we don’t deserve it without question or reason. We can do nothing to earn his love nor any good deed that will keep it. We are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ. With repentance and submission to his lordship we can then be symbolically cleansed in the waters of baptism and be raised up a new creation! 

Oh Lord God Almighty, we know you are worthy of all our praise. However, the busyness we allow to rule our lives occupies all of our attention. Forgive us when it seems we don’t appreciate you the way we should. We really do love you and want you to know that by our praise and worship. We try to follow our own course and almost always end up in some kind of trouble. When the predicaments of life bring us to our lowest point, Father, help us to remember we can bow before you at any time. Fill us with a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Remind us to express those feelings every day, even on the days we’re not feeling like it. You are the maker of all things, so give us a heart for praise. We are all like sheep in need of a shepherd to guide us to lush pastures. We are assured by our faith that your pastures are the lushest. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!


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