God's Discipline Will Transform You

No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it
(Hebrews 12:11)

When I first came to faith in Jesus, my life had to change, A LOT! I had some pretty bad habits, difficult to change immediately. It was a rather painful time in my life. I had friends and family who couldn’t understand the changes I was going through. Some of those friends, I had to leave behind. Not because I didn’t love them but because I was allowing myself to be drawn back to my old habits. The need for immediate, albeit, temporary acceptance was outweighing my need for Christ.
During my times of backsliding I always felt far away from God. I was depressed and angry with myself for my behavior. I guess I was trying to live with a foot in both worlds. One foot as a believing Christian and the other as just another unbeliever, no different from anyone else. It wasn’t working very well. It was very painful, but I eventually learned that was the Holy Spirit giving me corrective discipline to bring me back to a righteous path.
As a believer I am a part of a covenant relationship with my Heavenly Father. Since he is always faithful, and I am not, he is just to discipline me, like any loving earthly father would. When I reflect on his correction and learn from it, my life becomes much happier. I still slip up and find myself doing something the Lord does not like, A LOT! I take solace in knowing Jesus died on the cross to save me from myself. I’m not perfect, I’m still a sinner but I am righteous in the Father’s eyes due to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it
(Hebrews 12:11)

Heavenly Father, you are holy, and we are not. You are good beyond our ability to understand. Therefore, when you find it necessary to discipline us, we should gratefully accept the correction. Not because it’s pleasant and enjoyable, but because it’s an opportunity for us to learn what you expect of us. We are also reminded you discipline those you love. When we are in the midst of your discipline, help us to remember to praise you. Lord, teach us righteousness through the justice of your chastisements. You are always fair with us, even when you are disappointed with our behavior. Father, we hate it when you discipline us. Especially when we knew we were doing something you hate, but we do it anyway. Thank you for forgiving us, even though we don’t deserve it; and thank you for your measured and impartial corrections. We want to please you in every way possible. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!


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