Lord, Heal Our Land

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
(2 Chronicles 7:14)


Will God really forgive the sins of our nation? Will he really heal the scars of our iniquities? Has he turned his back on us to leave us to our own devices? Have we gone too far? If the judge of this nation’s sins was a man or a woman, he or she would condemn this nation for its wicked behavior. Every nation is wicked, so he or she would wipe them all, every last one of them, from the face of the earth. Fortunately for all the wicked nations, a man or woman is not the righteous judge. There is only one who is righteous, and he is long-suffering. However, one day soon, his patience will run out and his wrath will be great. If his wrath were to go unchecked, nothing would be left alive.
It doesn’t have to be this way. This nation rose to greatness only to fall to its own decadence. No matter what anyone says, this nation began as a Christian nation. It was never perfect; no nation ever is or has been. Yes, every citizen and resident was allowed the freedom to worship or not worship as they chose, but the principles upon which this nation began, were Judaeo-Christian. Our founding fathers were Christians. No, they were not perfect Christians, but none of us are perfect. They had many faults, chief among them was slavery but they did their best from what they knew from the Bible. Our leadership for the last several decades has lacked the moral courage to seek the face of God. Therefore, we have begun to fall quite precipitously.
Our once great nation has only one chance to return to its former place of prominence. We must turn from our wickedness and, once again, seek the face of our mighty and merciful king. We must ask for forgiveness for our many sins as a nation and, equally as importantly, as individuals. Not matter how far this nation falls into decadence, the individual believer must continue to seek the will of God. The only hope for this nation is if believers start electing God fearing people. If our leaders will just seek out and ask for wisdom from their creator, asking his counsel, they could right the course of this country. God wants to heal our land, but this nation and it leaders have to turn to him and follow his will. Once again, we could be that light on a hill for all nations to see.

Prayer Time

Heavenly Father, you have gathered and separated us up for your purpose. Thank you for softening our hearts so we would recognize you knocking. Our nation has fallen far from you, Lord. Many have turned their backs on you. The vast majority of the people of this nation have made themselves the lords of their lives. They have turned to the wicked ways of their father, Satan, where they are thinking only of themselves and not for others. Lord, humble the hearts of the haughty; turn this nation around and bring us back to you. Give your people a zeal for prayer; put us on a quest to find leaders who will seek your face. Don’t let us compromise our beliefs for the sake of political expedience. Forgive the sins of this nation and make us your standard bearer to the whole world. Take us back into your bosom, Lord. Heal our hearts and land. Revive in us a spirit of service to our fellow man. As individual citizens of this nation. we need forgiveness for our sins. Let us be called by your name once again. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!


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