Fear God and Nothing Else
And fear not them which kill the
body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell.
(Matthew 10:28)
When I was on
vacation about thirty years ago in a strange city, I got lost while driving
back to where I was staying. I stopped to ask directions only to find out I was
in a very dangerous part of the city for anyone of my skin color. The business
owner I stopped at wouldn’t even take the time to give me directions. He didn’t
want anything bad to happen to my wife and me while we were on his property. He
shewed us away like we were doing something wrong.
As I was
driving away, a small gang of men was crossing the street toward us. I punched
the gas pedal and sped off. I had never been that scared before in my life. I’m
pretty sure that gang of men coming toward us wasn’t a neighborhood welcoming
committee. The look on their faces made it clear to me it would not have ended
well for us if they caught up to us. I was definitely afraid for our lives
until I found my way back to the familiar route and out of that area of the
Of course,
thirty years ago, I wasn’t a Christian. Had I been, I still would have had a
momentary fear for my life but not my eternal soul. That small gang of men
could have possibly killed me back then. If I died, my place for eternity would
have been hell. At that time, I feared what men could do to me but not the
Lord. I haven’t had many life and death situations like that and I still don’t
like them, but not because I fear death anymore, I know what my final
destination is.
In that
situation, I didn’t have to choose between dying for Christ or denying him to
stay alive. That is happening in many parts of the world today. Here in America
we have not had to endure persecution to the point of death for our faith in
Jesus Christ, but that day is coming. Scripture tells us that day will come
throughout the whole world, even in America.
We will be
required by our leaders to deny Jesus in order to simply buy food. At that time
if we stand firm in our faith in Christ we will most likely die, but our reward
for faithfulness will far outweigh any suffering. If we give in and deny Jesus,
we have condemned ourselves to the destruction of hell. Evil people can only
kill our physical bodies, but Jesus saves our souls.
May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
(2 Peter 1:2)
Lord God, your kingdom will reign forever and ever. You are the author of grace and mercy. We may think we have peace in our hearts before we repent and turn to you, it’s not so. Some think if they are not in conflict with other people, that’s peace. Others believe if they have every possession they’ve ever wanted, that’s peace. While still others are confident that if they are happily married with well-rounded children, that’s peace. They have no idea what real peace is. True peace does not come from anything we humans do. Our peace comes from your amazing grace. Grace that knows no nationality, no race or color, not anything that we use to divide ourselves. It is free to all who repent of their sins and turn their lives over to Jesus. But, your grace and peace abound in us as we hungrily study the truth about your love and the sacrifice of Jesus. It’s in his name, we pray. Amen!
Thank you, Stephani